Advokat Trond S. Paulsen shared offices with Kogstad Lunde & Co.
Contact information
- E-mail:
- Mobile: +47 909 27 6 27
- Phone work: +47 22 41 84 48
- Address: Fr Nansens pl 9, 0160 Oslo
- Admitted to the Supreme Court of Norway 2012
- NATO Defense College, Rome, 1987-1988
- Cand. jur., University of Oslo, 1982
- CAAE, Université de Nice, 1970 (French Government scholar 1969-1970)
- M.A. in political science, University of Oslo, 1968
Work Experience
- Litigation in the European Court of Justice (Luxemburg)
- Shared offices with law firm KLCO 2002-
- Chair of Committee appointed by the Government of Norway: "Ownership of Fishing Vessels" (NOU
2002: 13) - Law firm of Heggemsnes & Paulsen 1991-2002
- Associate, Vislie, Ødegaard & Kolrud 1989-1991
- Director General, Minstry of Fisheries 1983-1989
- Deputy Judge, Tønsberg City Court 1982-1983
- Delegate to the UN Law of the Sea Conferences, New York, Geneva 1976,1977,1978
- Assistant Director, Bureau Chief, Executive Officer Ministry of Fisheries 1970-1982
- Executive Officer, Rationalization Directorate 1969
Areas of expertise
- Administrative law
- International trade law
- International Private Law
- EEA / EU law
- Fisheries and Maritime Law
- Contract law
- Labour law
- Tort law
- Procedure
- Languages: English and French
- Arrest and enforced sales of ships (Journal of Corporate and Business Law, (1- 2015, with Ingrid Finne Reenskaug) (Also on Gyldendal Law, online).
- The Compendium of Foreign Trade Remedy Laws,(chapter on Norway), published t by the American Bar Association 1998
- EC and dumping – rules and s (NHOs Europaserie nr.5/1990)
Membership of
- Norwegian Bar Association
- Norwegian Association of Maritime Law